DOM Event Architecture(DOM-Level-3)译文


👴回来了,这篇主要翻译下w3草案UI Event中的第3小节 - DOM事件体系(DOM Event Architecture)


原文:UI Events

DOM Event Architecture (DOM事件体系)

This section is non-normative. Refer to DOM for a normative description of the DOM event architecture




Event dispatch and DOM event flow(事件分发和DOM事件流)

This section gives a brief overview of the event dispatch mechanism and describes how events propagate through the DOM tree. Applications can dispatch event objects using the dispatchEvent() method, and the event object will propagate through the DOM tree as determined by the DOM event flow.




To create an event with attributes and methods appropriate to its type and context, and propagate it through the DOM tree in the specified manner. Interchangeable with the term fire, e.g., fire a click event or dispatch a load event.


Event objects are dispatched to an event target. But before dispatch can begin, the event object’s propagation path must first be determined.


这里涉及到两个术语 event targetpropagation path

event target

The object to which an event is targeted using the §3.1 Event dispatch and DOM event flow. The event target is the value of the target attribute.


propagation path

The ordered set of current event targets though which an event object will pass sequentially on the way to and back from the event target.
As the event propagates, each current event target in the propagation path is in turn set as the currentTarget.
The propagation path is initially composed of one or more event phases as defined by the event type, but MAY be interrupted.
Also known as an event target chain.


The propagation path is an ordered list of current event targets through which the event passes. This propagation path reflects the hierarchical tree structure of the document.
The last item in the list is the event target, and the preceding items in the list are referred to as the target’s ancestors, with the immediately preceding item as the target’s parent.


这里涉及到一个术语:current event targets

current event targets

In an event flow, the current event target is the object associated with the event handler that is currently being dispatched.
This object MAY be the event target itself or one of its ancestors.
The current event target changes as the event propagates from object to object through the various phases of the event flow.
The current event target is the value of the currentTarget attribute.


PS:这里提到的current target event和先前的target event对应了每次我们在注册回调函数里面使用的参数e的属性currentTargettarget

Once the propagation path has been determined, the event object passes through one or more event phases.
There are three event phases: capture phase, target phase and bubble phase.
Event objects complete these phases as described below.
A phase will be skipped if it is not supported, or if the event object’s propagation has been stopped.
For example, if the bubbles attribute is set to false, the bubble phase will be skipped, and if stopPropagation() has been called prior to the dispatch, all phases will be skipped.


这里有几个术语:event phases(事件阶段)capture phase(捕获阶段),target phase(目标阶段),bubble phase(冒泡阶段),这几个术语在这里比较好理解,并且下面的图面也可以很好的展示这三个过程。

  • The capture phase: The event object propagates through the target’s ancestors from the Window to the target’s parent. This phase is also known as the capturing phase.
  • The target phase: The event object arrives at the event object’s event target. This phase is also known as the at-target phase. If the event type indicates that the event doesn’t bubble, then the event object will halt after completion of this phase.
  • The bubble phase: The event object propagates through the target’s ancestors in reverse order, starting with the target’s parent and ending with the Window. This phase is also known as the bubbling phase.
  • 捕获阶段:事件对象从目标对象的组件(Window对象开始)到目标对象的父对象传递。
  • 目标阶段:事件对象到达它的事件目标对象。如果事件类型表明事件不冒泡的话,那么事件对象会在这个阶段完成之后停止。
  • 冒泡阶段:事件对象以捕获阶段相反的顺序进行传递,从事件目标对象的父节点开始,然后结束于Window对象。

Default actions and cancelable events(默认动作和可取消的事件)

Events are typically dispatched by the implementation as a result of a user action, in response to the completion of a task, or to signal progress during asynchronous activity (such as a network request).
Some events can be used to control the behavior that the implementation may take next (or undo an action that the implementation already took).
Events in this category are said to be cancelable and the behavior they cancel is called their default action.
Cancelable event objects can be associated with one or more ‘default actions’. To cancel an event, call the preventDefault() method.


这里有个术语:default action

default action

A default action is an OPTIONAL supplementary behavior that an implementation MUST perform in combination with the dispatch of the event object.
Each event type definition, and each specification, defines the default action for that event type, if it has one.
An instance of an event MAY have more than one default action under some circumstances, such as when associated with an activation trigger.
A default action MAY be cancelled through the invocation of the preventDefault() method.
For more details, see §3.2 Default actions and cancelable events.


A mousedown event is dispatched immediately after the user presses down a button on a pointing device (typically a mouse).
One possible default action taken by the implementation is to set up a state machine that allows the user to drag images or select text.
The default action depends on what happens next — for example, if the user’s pointing device is over text, a text selection might begin.
If the user’s pointing device is over an image, then an image-drag action could begin.
Preventing the default action of a mousedown event prevents these actions from occurring.

默认动作取决于接下来会发生什么 - 比如,如果用户的点击设备放在文字上,那么文字选择的动作就会开始

Default actions are usually performed after the event dispatch has been completed,
but in exceptional cases they may also be performed immediately before the event is dispatched.


The default action associated with the click event on <input type="checkbox"> elements toggles the checked IDL attribute value of that element.
If the click event’s default action is cancelled, then the value is restored to its former state.

<input type="checkbox">元素上关联点击事件的默认动作为切换这个元素checked属性的值

When an event is canceled, then the conditional default actions associated with the event is skipped (or as mentioned above, if the default actions are carried out before the dispatch, their effect is undone).
Whether an event object is cancelable is indicated by the cancelable attribute.
Calling preventDefault() stops all related default actions of an event object.
The defaultPrevented attribute indicates whether an event has already been canceled (e.g., by a prior event listener).
If the DOM application itself initiated the dispatch, then the return value of the dispatchEvent() method indicates whether the event object was cancelled.


Many implementations additionally interpret an event listener’s return value, such as the value false,
to mean that the default action of cancelable events will be cancelled (though window.onerror handlers are cancelled by returning true).


Synchronous and asynchronous events(同步和异步的事件)

Events may be dispatched either synchronously or asynchronously.


Events which are synchronous (sync events) are treated as if they are in a virtual queue in a first-in-first-out model,
ordered by sequence of temporal occurrence with respect to other events, to changes in the DOM, and to user interaction.
Each event in this virtual queue is delayed until the previous event has completed its propagation behavior, or been canceled.
Some sync events are driven by a specific device or process, such as mouse button events.
These events are governed by the event order algorithms defined for that set of events, and user agents will dispatch these events in the defined order.


这里有两个术语:event orderuser agents

event order

The sequence in which events from the same event source or process occur, using the same or related event interfaces.
For example, in an environment with a mouse, a track pad, and a keyboard, each of those input devices would constitute a separate event source, and each would follow its own event order.
A mousedown event from the trackpad followed by a mouseup event from the mouse would not result in a click event.


There can be interactions between different event orders.
For example, a click event might be modified by a concurrent keydown event (e.g., via Shift+click).
However, the event orders of these different event sources would be distinct.


The event order of some interfaces are device-independent.
For example, a user might change focus using the Tab key, or by clicking the new focused element with the mouse.
The event order in such cases depends on the state of the process, not on the state of the device that initiates the state change.


user agents

A program, such as a browser or content authoring tool, normally running on a client machine,
which acts on a user’s behalf in retrieving, interpreting, executing, presenting, or creating content.
Users MAY act on the content using different user agents at different times, for different purposes.
See the §1.2.1 Web browsers and other dynamic or interactive user agents and §1.2.2 Authoring tools for details on the requirements for a conforming user agent.


Events which are asynchronous (async events) may be dispatched as the results of the action are completed,
with no relation to other events, to other changes in the DOM, nor to user interaction.


During loading of a document, an inline script element is parsed and executed. x
The load event is queued to be fired asynchronously at the script element.
However, because it is an async event, its order with relation to other synchronous events fired during document load (such as the DOMContentLoaded event from HTML5) is not guaranteed.


Trusted events(可信赖的事件)

Events that are generated by the user agent, either as a result of user interaction,
or as a direct result of changes to the DOM, are trusted by the user agent with privileges that are not afforded to events generated by script through the createEvent() method,
modified using the initEvent() method, or dispatched via the dispatchEvent() method.
The isTrusted attribute of trusted events has a value of true, while untrusted events have a isTrusted attribute value of false.


Most untrusted events will not trigger default actions, with the exception of the click event.
This event always triggers the default action, even if the isTrusted attribute is false (this behavior is retained for backward-compatibility).
All other untrusted events behave as if the preventDefault() method had been called on that event.


Activation triggers and behavior(激活的触发器和行为)

Certain event targets (such as a link or button element) may have associated activation behavior (such as following a link) that implementations perform in response to an activation trigger (such as clicking a link).


Both HTML and SVG have an <a> element which indicates a link.
Relevant activation triggers for an <a> element are a click event on the text or image content of the <a> element,
or a keydown event with a key attribute value of “Enter” key when the <a> element has focus.
The activation behavior for an <a> element is normally to change the content of the window to the content of the new document,
in the case of external links, or to reposition the current document relative to the new anchor, in the case of internal links.


这里有两个术语activation behavioractivation trigger

activation behavior

The action taken when an event, typically initiated by users through an input device, causes an element to fulfill a defined task.
The task MAY be defined for that element by the host language, or by author-defined variables, or both.
The default task for any given element MAY be a generic action, or MAY be unique to that element.
For example, the activation behavior of an HTML or SVG <a> element is to cause the user agent to traverse the link specified in the href attribute,
with the further optional parameter of specifying the browsing context for the traversal (such as the current window or tab, a named window, or a new window).
The activation behavior of an HTML <input> element with the type attribute value submit is be to send the values of the form elements to an author-defined IRI by the author-defined HTTP method.
See §3.5 Activation triggers and behavior for more details.


activation trigger

An event which is defined to initiate an activation behavior.
Refer to §3.5 Activation triggers and behavior for more details.


Constructing Mouse and Keyboard Events(构建的鼠标和键盘事件)

Generally, when a constructor of an Event interface, or of an interface inherited from the Event interface, is invoked, the steps described in DOM should be followed.
However the KeyboardEvent and MouseEvent interfaces provide additional dictionary members for initializing the internal state of the Event object’s key modifiers: specifically, the internal state queried for using the getModifierState() and getModifierState() methods.
This section supplements the DOM4 steps for intializing a new Event object with these optional modifier states.


For the purposes of constructing a KeyboardEvent, MouseEvent, or object derived from these objects using the algorithm below,
all KeyboardEvent, MouseEvent, and derived objects have internal key modifier state which can be set and retrieved using the key modifier names described in the Modifier Keys table in UIEvents-Key.


The following steps supplement the algorithm defined for constructing events in DOM4:

  • If the Event being constructed is a KeyboardEvent or MouseEvent object or an object that derives from either of these, and a EventModifierInit argument was provided to the constructor, then run the following sub-steps:
    • For each EventModifierInit argument, if the dictionary member begins with the string “modifier”, then let the key modifier name be the dictionary member’s name excluding the prefix “modifier”, and set the Event object’s internal key modifier state that matches the key modifier name to the corresponding value.


  • 如果构造的事件是一个键盘或者鼠标事件或者派生自这两个的事件,那么向构造函数提供一个EventModifierInit参数,然后执行下面的子步骤:
    • 遍历EventModifierInit参数,如果字典成员以modifier字符开头,那么设置字典成员名字为不包含modifier前缀的关键修饰符的名字,然后设置匹配关键修饰符名字的事件对象的内部关键修饰符状态为对应的值。





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